• Cím: 3304 Eger, Sánc u. 6.
  • Tel: 36/411-581 Fax: 36/412-791
  • Email: titkarsag@bnpi.hu

Interpretation and education

Interpretation and education

In line with the Nature Conservation Act, the National Curriculum requires that students of all age participate in environmental education. Based on the Nature Conservation Act and the agreement between the ministries responsible for education and nature conservation each national park directorate has to establish visitor centre(s) in its operational area. Also, interpretive materials (scientific and popular publications, films, etc.) are to be developed. Students of primary, secondary and third, fourth level education are welcome to have field trip and internship placement, corresponding to their needs. The national park directorates should cooperate with and help the work of NGO’s in organizing nature conservation programmes.

The Bükk National Park Directorate offers various interpretive and educational programmes, such as themed guided tours and educational trails interpreting both the natural and cultural assets of the protected areas, visitor centres and tourist sites (e.g. the tourist caves of Lillafüred), the series of booklet and scientific volumes, as well as nature conservation camps in the Rejtek Research Hut and the Felsőtárkány Visitor Centre.

The objectives can be achieved by diverse methods and activities.

The BNPD has signed letters of understanding with several schools and NGO’s, so it assists these organisations with consultation, information, education materials organizing national and international green days (e.g. on the Birds and Trees Day, International Earth Day, World Environment Day), competitions, study contests and other events. We encourage cooperation with education centres, as well as with local communities, and our employees regularly provide special focus and interpretive presentations.

Our organisation also participates in lifelong learning programmes supported by county pedagogic institutes, by providing trainings for teachers, organizing conferences about environmental education programmes in schools and outdoor education.

We actively promote and encourage people from all walks of life to gain primary experience in nature not only in educational setting, but in form of tourism, but with the utmost respect to nature conservation interests. Consequently, any tourism, sport or recreation facility can only be developed on sites not damaging natural assets, and not endangering the plant and wildlife. 

The Bükk National Park and its surroundings are one of the tourist hotspots in Hungary. Not only foreign and domestic visitors arrive here, but also locals also visit the protected areas regularly. Visitor management for eco-tourism, i.e. directing visitor flow while providing interpretation and regulation of visitors for mutual benefit for the protected area and visitors alike are long-term tasks for the Bükk National Park Directorate. Serving the dual purpose of protection and interpretation is a delicate balance.

While we have to give the utmost attention to the protection and interest of nature, the expectations of the public and that of society cannot be neglected, and options and opportunities for visitation are to be established in a sustainable way. Eco-tourism (in forms of rural and agro tourism) can become a source of income for communities in and around the national park. However, consultation, information flow, public relations, as well as organized and coordinated action, and carefully thought out tourism developments and offer are all important elements that can safeguard the implementation of eco-tourism. Our directorate both supports, but also supervises these processes, primarily through rural planning schemes. 


Open air schools:

West Gate Education Centre - Felsőtárkány

Rejtek open air school

Utolsó módosítás: 2014. február 18., 14:34